Boat People SOS, Inc.
Provides civil legal assistance for low-income Vietnamese Texans in the areas of domestic violence, human trafficking, family law, immigration, landlord-tenant, and wills.
Advocate Legal Senior Center
Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County.
New Passport Hours
New Process for Handling Unindicted Cases

Greetings all Attorneys, Bondsmen and Interested Parties,

By now you may have noticed some fairly substantial changes that my office implemented over the last week that we are very proud to bring to you. Our goal is to do everything possible to bring you a better more efficient process and service while remaining fiscally responsible.

The District Clerk’s Office has made changes regarding the handling of “Un-indicted” cases. The goal in making the changes was to make the tracking and assignment of cases well-organized, transparent and accessible to all.

Effective July 27, 2015 for all District Court cases, we are giving every inmate a case number even if the case hasn’t been indicted. The benefits are many but, the way this works is; at the time a Defendant is being booked in the Sheriff’s Office, a court date will be assigned 3 months away (this is also new and you can find the schedule (Bond Calendar) on-line at Fort Bend County, TX : Court Dates. The same date will now stay in place even if they are to bond out.

We will receive this information daily and will assign case numbers and courts randomly, same as we do with indicted cases. This will allow you to search our on-line case management system (Odyssey) either by Defendant’s name or case number. Once found, you will now have a cause number and assigned Court for you to file into even if the case has not yet been indicted. The case number and Court will remain the same if Defendant is indicted. You will also see “Unindicted Filing “in the Case Type that lets you know the status of your case.

These changes do not affect the County Clerk system as each system operates independently of each other.

We at the District Clerk's office hope that you enjoy the greater functionality of the system and look forward to bringing you more advancements in the near future which are in the works as we speak.

Your Public Servant,

Annie Rebecca Elliott

New Jury Fees

Effective January 1, 2016

Pursuant to H.B. No. 2182 the Jury Fee will increase to $40.00 on both Civil and Criminal collections.

Criminal Jury Fee will change from $20.00 to $40.00
SECTION 2. Article 102004 (a), Code of Criminal Procedure

Civil Jury Fee will change from $30.00 to $40.00.
SECTION 5. Section 51.604 (a), Government Code Thank you, Annie Rebecca Elliott District Clerk

Thank you,

Annie Rebecca Elliott
District Clerk

New E-Filing Fees

Effective September 1, 2015

Pursuant to S.B. No. 1139; Section 51.8514 (b) the statewide e-Filing Fee will increase from $20.00 - $30.00 and will apply to all case initiations fee and civil actions. (except for Fraudulent Liens) & (other than actions outlined in Family Codes 110.002, 2361.202 & 231.204)

E-Filing Fee will change from $20.00 to $30.00.

SB 1139 (Section 51.851 (b) Government Code)

Thank you,

Annie Rebecca Elliott
District Clerk

Texas Bar E-Service
Passport Day - September 23, 2017

Houston Passport Agency
Saturday, September 23, 2017 / 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Passport Day [PDF]

District Clerk Office Closure

Due to anticipated hazardous weather conditions, the Office of the District Clerk has CLOSED her office Monday, August 28, 2017 and cancelled both AM and PM Jury duty for Tuesday, August 29, 2017.

Additionally, County Judge Bob Hebert has determined that Fort Bend County offices will be CLOSED through Monday, September 4, 2017, because of the dangerous flood conditions.

Evacuation Order/Orden de Evacuación

FORT BEND COUNTY, TX – Fort Bend County Officials and the Emergency Operations Center have been closely monitoring the water level in the Brazos River. The National Weather Service forecast indicates that the Brazos River will crest sometime Tuesday, August 29 in the late afternoon or early evening at an elevation of fifty nine feet at the Richmond gauge.

Judge Hebert said that “…a flood of this magnitude is an 800 year event and it exceeds the design specifications of our levees, and is potentially dangerous for a good portion of Fort Bend County. A fifty-nine foot river level threatens to overtop many of the levees in our area. As a result, I am ordering both voluntary and mandatory evacuations for many of the levee improvement districts along the Brazos River, based on all specific facts pertaining to each levee. ”

A voluntary evacuation means that you should consider leaving to head for a safer area. There is a chance that surrounding flood waters may hinder your ability to get in and out of your neighborhood. You may be stuck in your neighborhood for several days.

A mandatory evacuation means that there is risk to life and safety as well as property. There is also a risk to the lives of first responders who might be called on to rescue you when the expected danger materializes. During a mandatory evacuation emergency, personnel WILL NOT be able to respond to your calls for help. You will be on your own. You cannot rely on help from others.

A mandatory evacuation indicates the possibility of danger to your life. We urge you not to ignore it. If you are in a mandatory evacuation zone, do the smart thing: leave and be safe. Local law enforcement and the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s office will patrol evacuated areas.

Pull up the interactive map to find out if your residence is in the evacuation area:

The following areas are under a MANDATORY evacuation order:

  • First Colony LID #1
  • Fort Bend County LID #20
  • Fort Bend County LID #6
  • Fort Bend County LID #7
  • Fort Bend County MUD #115
  • Fort Bend County MUD #46
  • Fort Bend County MUD #49
  • Municipal Utility District #121
  • Palmer Plantation #1
  • Palmer Plantation #2

The following areas are under a VOLUNTARY evacuation order:

  • Fort Bend County LID #2
  • Fort Bend County LID #10
  • Fort Bend County LID #11
  • Fort Bend County LID #14
  • Fort Bend County LID #15
  • Fort Bend County LID #17
  • Fort Bend County LID #179
  • First Colony LID #2
  • Pecan Grove MUD
  • Sienna Plantation

Judge Hebert reiterated that, “If you are in a Mandatory Evacuation zone, please leave. If you don’t, you may be in danger and we may not be able to help. If you are in a Voluntary Evacuation zone, take steps to protect yourself, your family and your property and be ready to lose service and mobility for an extended period of time if you choose to shelter in place. In any case, begin your preparation now. Take steps now to keep safe.”

If you are under a mandatory evacuation order, take the following steps:

  • Determine a safe evacuation route
  • Pack essential items including medicine, important documents, and first aid kits
  • Take your pets (and pet food) with you
  • Secure your home by locking all doors and windows
  • Leave as soon as you are instructed to leave

Also be aware that mandatory evacuation orders are already in place for areas along the Brazos River that were impacted by the Memorial Day 2016 flood, and for low lying areas of the San Bernard River. There are also evacuations in place from the cities of Rosenberg, Richmond, and Simonton and a voluntary evacuation for areas around the Barker Reservoir.

If you are in a voluntary evacuation area, be sure you are comfortable staying put for several days and that you have enough food, water and other supplies to last at least a week.

There are shelters in the area. Contact the Fort Bend County Office of Emergency Management at 281-342-6185 to find a shelter. Red Cross shelter information can be found online:  


Public Information Officer
Fort Bend County Emergency Operations Center


Comunicado de Prensa – Orden de Evacuación

Augusto 28, 2017

FORT BEND COUNTY, TX – Los Funcionarios del Condado de Fort Bend y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia han estado monitoreando de cerca el nivel del agua en el Río Brazos. El pronóstico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional indica que el Río Brazos crecerá algún día el martes 29 de agosto en la tarde o temprano en la noche a una elevación de cincuenta y nueve pies en el indicador de Richmond.

El juez Hebert dijo que “… una inundación de esta magnitud es un evento de 800 años y excede las especificaciones de diseño de nuestros diques, y es potencialmente peligroso para una buena porción del condado de Fort Bend. Un nivel de río de cincuenta y nueve pies amenaza con sobrepasar muchos de los diques en nuestra área. Como resultado, estoy ordenando evacuaciones voluntarias y obligatorias para muchos de los distritos de mejoramiento de diques a lo largo del río Brazos, basados ??en todos los hechos específicos relacionados con cada dique. ”

Una evacuación voluntaria significa que usted debe considerar salir para un área más segura. Existe la posibilidad de que las aguas circundantes de las inundaciones puedan obstaculizar su capacidad de entrar y salir de su vecindario. Usted puede estar atrapado en su vecindario por varios días.

Una evacuación obligatoria significa que hay riesgo para la vida y la seguridad, así como la propiedad. También hay un riesgo para las vidas de los primeros respondedores que podrían ser llamados a rescatarlo cuando se materialice el peligro esperado. Durante una emergencia de evacuación obligatoria, el personal NO podrá responder a sus llamadas de ayuda. Usted estará en su propio. No puedes confiar en la ayuda de otros.

Una evacuación obligatoria indica la posibilidad de peligro para su vida. Le instamos a no ignorarlo. Si usted está en una zona de evacuación obligatoria, haga lo más inteligente: salga y esté a salvo. La policía local y la oficina del sheriff del condado de Fort Bend patrullarán las áreas evacuadas.

Levante el mapa interactivo para averiguar si su residencia está en el área de evacuación: 

Las siguientes áreas están bajo una orden de evacuación OBLIGATORIA:

  • Primera Colonia LID # 1
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 20
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 6
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 7
  • Fort Bend County MUD # 115
  • Fort Bend County MUD # 46
  • Fort Bend County MUD # 49
  • Distrito Municipal de Servicios Públicos # 121
  • Palmer Plantation # 1
  • Palmer Plantation # 2

Las siguientes áreas están bajo una orden de evacuación VOLUNTARIA:

  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 2
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 10
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 11
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 14
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 15
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 17
  • Condado de Fort Bend LID # 179
  • Primera Colonia LID # 2
  • Pecan Grove MUD
  • Sienna Plantation

El juez Hebert reiteró que: “Si usted está en una zona de Evacuación Obligatoria, por favor, vaya. Si no lo hace, puede estar en peligro y es posible que no podamos ayudar. Si usted está en una zona de Evacuación Voluntaria, tome medidas para protegerse a sí mismo, a su familia ya su propiedad y estar listo para perder el servicio y la movilidad por un período prolongado de tiempo si decide refugiarse en su lugar. En cualquier caso, comience su preparación ahora. Tome medidas ahora para mantenerse a salvo.

Si está bajo una orden de evacuación obligatoria, tome las siguientes medidas:

  • Determinar una ruta de evacuación segura
  • Empaque los artículos esenciales incluyendo la medicina, los documentos importantes, y los botiquines de primeros auxilios
  • Lleve consigo a sus mascotas (y comida para mascotas)
  • Asegure su casa cerrando todas las puertas y ventanas
  • Salga tan pronto como se le indique que se vaya

También tenga en cuenta que las órdenes de evacuación obligatorias ya están en vigor para las áreas a lo largo del río Brazos que fueron impactadas por la inundación del Día del Memorial Day 2016 y para las áreas bajas del río San Bernard. También hay evacuaciones en el lugar de las ciudades de Rosenberg, Richmond y Simonton y una evacuación voluntaria para las áreas alrededor del embalse de Barker.

Si se encuentra en un área de evacuación voluntaria, asegúrese de que se sienta cómodo durante varios días y que tenga suficientes alimentos, agua y otros suministros para durar al menos una semana.

Hay refugios en la zona. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Administración de Emergencias del Condado de Fort Bend al 281-342-6185 para encontrar un refugio. La información sobre el refugio de la Cruz Roja puede encontrarse en línea: 


Oficial de Información Pública

Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia del Condado de Fort Bend 281-342-6185





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